Prof. Mag. Gerhard SCHAIDER
Geboren : 27.2.1935 - Gestorben: 13.8.2011
St. Georgs Kolleg:1971-1977
Okulumuz 1971- 1977 dönemi Matemeatik-Kimya öğretmenlerinden OStR. Prof. Mag. Gerhard Schaider'in uzun ve ağır seyreden hastalığının ardından 13 Ağustos 2011 tarihinde Graz'da vefat ettiğini öğrenmiş bulunmaktayız. Dernek kayıtlarında vefat bilgisi yer almadığı ve daha önce yayınlanmadığı için, bu sene 40. mezuniyet yılını kutlayacak 1975 yılı mezunlarının ve eşi Renate Schaider'in ricası üzerine bu bilgiyi paylaşıyor, merhum hocamızı saygıyla anıyoruz (13 Nisan 2015).
- Cenaze töreninde Prof. Dr. Payer'in yaptığı anma konuşması
AL 75 mezunlarından Nihat Aytaman'ın Herr Schaider için yazdığı yazı:
Eulogy to a great teacher,
When you look up in the night sky, you hardly see any stars anymore. The light pollution makes it impossible to see them. Only the brightest of them shines through and is visible as a lone star. My teachers in my life are like the night sky for me. Most of them are not memorable when I look back. There is one that shines through as the lone teacher in my sky of teachers. Gerhard Schaider is that teacher. He has touched us all with his humor, intellect, kindness, his curiosity and above all his friendship which he extended beyond our educational years. I still remember the "telefon hoerer schmae" he taught us because he made teaching fun, not just a recital of facts. I am glad that I was able to visit him and his lovely wife Renate a few years back at his hometown of Graz. I feel blessed to have been taught by such an exceptional teacher. I can see him now in heaven, where he undoubtedly must be, lecturing the angels, adding another wrinkle to their brains, because that is what Gerhard does. He teaches.
May he rest in peace.
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